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  • Jaime
    09-28 05:44 PM
    Having worked for short periods of time in Germany and Netherlands, I would say that they very much make you feel that you are a foreigner, you can never fit in and are most unwelcome in the country. What irked me is the attitude that they will take your money gladly but don't want you there.
    In fact when I was looking for accomodation in Stuttgart the first thing the landlords asked me was "When are you going to leave?".
    The US may have it's faults, but I've never been asked that question by property owners, only by consulate officers.
    No thanks, I would rather move back to India than work as a third-class citizen in Europe. :mad:

    Somebody said our own Asian migrants are against us. I can see their viewpoint. We are perceived to pose a threat to the well-being of their children and they do have a sense of entitlement just because they happened to come here earlier. Can't change that attitude. We can also see that in some people who haven't yet got their green cards or are newly minted resident "aliens". E.g. Entitlement due to Master's degree from US, Consultants vs FTE, Desi company consultants vs American company consultants etc. Did we ever stop and think that the system does not even need to play "Divide and Conquer" in a house already divided?

    I frankly think that to an average joe in the US all of us are just another brown guy or chinaman etc. (apologies to the non Asian members of IV) and we don't need to feel that we are somehow superior to the other immigrant.

    Sorry that happened to you in Europe. About the U.S. Average Joe, I need to tell you my point of view. I've lived in the U.S. for more than half my life and I have come to know Americans. While many are the way you described, no two persons are alike, and there are many great people in this country who see us as individuals and love us for who we are. Stay away from the bad crowd and look for those good people. They are out there!

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  • srkamath
    07-20 09:31 PM
    If you glance at the Job title column you would see there are unusually large number of certified case with title like "curry chef ,COOK, cashier, clerk, butcher, Automobile Mechanic". And Obviously they are not in EB2 Cat.
    So the numbers will very less than your estimate.

    Thanks, you are right.....
    I guess then the number is somewhere in between.
    Maybe a lot of people are getting the labor cert done with the hopes of getting an EAD, for occupations such as cooks etc...just curious..

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  • PresidentO
    02-04 11:58 AM
    Actually country quota may be unfair based on skills. But green card is not the selection of brightest in interview or test. All the cases of gc are tested and everyone are equally important. For example scientist in Nasa and a Programmer in a Tech company are important. If really see merrit Nasa scientist must have priority. But really everyone is important as they are important for their employer. So having country quota will not select any incapable persons as every candidate is tested.

    Also even if country quota is eliminated there is not going to be much difference in EB3(May be 6 month to 1 year PD difference). If you put calculations you can understand very well because unused quota is used in last quarter. Better calculate before starting compaign. May be another few thousand Visas could be utilized as Visas may not be wasted. If Recapture bill is passed with or without country quota then entire EB3 will be benefited. Otherwise it is just helpful to spoil the chances of row people at the same time it will not give much benefit to EB3 Indians.
    I remember that EB3 persons were angry with EB2 people for a few months as they got all of other countries EB2.

    Dude! Skills based mean not because of your country. That is it. Stop there. What people are clamoring for is single line as both the Nasa scientist and programmer are equally important to their employer. Now, no one knows who will get out first even though he/she has both merit/old pd and other crap. Country cap removal is not the only solution. Recapture with carry over going forward and/or increase of EB numbers to 250K or above is the complete solution.

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  • eager_immi
    01-25 12:10 PM
    please add sulekha.com



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  • vshar
    03-12 01:56 PM
    You are accusing IV for cheating before saying IV is a great platform. Can't you make up your mind. You sound more like that Congressman Massa from NY. I am no Glenn beck so now don't start to tickle me.

    I never accused IV for cheating but yes I do accuse IV for misconduct on April vis bulltein issue. misconduct does not mean cheating it means that they did not do what they are supposed to do at the time when all its members were anxious.

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  • nonimmi
    12-20 04:25 PM
    Folks, I didn't worked for an year(2001) due to, you know what I am saying....

    Now I am afraid that I would get an RFE because of that. Do you think that I need to worry about it? :(

    Your PD is Dec, 2004. Why you think you'll get RFE for not working during 2001?


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  • thomachan72
    11-12 04:40 PM
    And the war begins....pretty soon the initial topic would be completely forgotten....

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  • arsh007
    01-30 03:49 PM
    1. Asking employees to pay for H1 costs is not legal. It would be in violations of CFR.

    2. That is also illegal. Employer cannot ask employee to pay for payroll taxes that the employer owes IRS, and too, when you are not even working. It would be an attempt to cover-up the violation of immigration law: Not paying on bench. The only alternative to all that is cancelling her H1 if she cannot find project and if they cannot pay her, but that again would cost money. Damn its too expensive to operate a business legally obeying every friggin law.

    3. If you are paying for H1 (which is really not legal) what would you refund them?

    So whether you want to tell them "Go to hell" depends on how much you want the job and how much bending/breaking of law can you do.

    Point 3 was for the employer refunding the employee for the H1 costs after completing 6 months on project.

    Well it is an accepted fact that Employers need to pay for H1 sponsorship but desi companies hardly follow the rules. Well I don't understand from you point above why paying for H1 expenses means I am breaking the law. Rather it should be the employer who is breaking the law.


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  • thomachan72
    04-11 10:06 AM
    technical issue....dont know why but cant go to page 5.. this post is just to take me to the 5th page....pls ignore

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  • anilsal
    06-30 10:50 PM
    It is possible for every city to have at least one usps office to be open on Sunday. They have a different day off.

    Just go to the USPS website and locate an office that is open on Sun.


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  • rajuseattle
    07-14 08:23 PM

    dont worry about LUD on 07/13, that was a generic update.

    My wife's approved I-539 (H-4) from 2005 received LUD on 07/13, so that's nothing to do with your current RFE situation.

    I think you are scared of your past employer or you are worrying too much, god knows what he has asked you to do which you dont want to mention on this forum, but if he has threatened you or if he is doing some illegal activities you have the protection under AC-21 for reporting such employers to USCIS and DoL. Please read the USCIS (Neufield) Memo published in May 2008.

    Please let us know whats going on with your ex-employer, if he is trying to get some money from you or abusing you, you can very well report him to DoL and you will be fine under the new AC-21 memo which protects such employees who are whistle blowers and you are fully protected under US laws.

    Lot of the times desi blood suckers abuse their employees and this is the reason USCIS came up with whistle blower protection under AC-21. your competent attorney can use this special provision and argue with USCIS why you were forced to change employment after filing your I-485 back in July 2007 and you switch the job under AC-21 provisions in August 2007.

    dont worry too much, try preparing your AC-21 letter and Employment verification letter to answer the RFE.

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  • mgmanoj
    06-10 07:49 PM
    Done - sent to Alabama senators


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  • dentist1
    04-09 06:47 PM
    Thanks Papu !!!! thats great....

    His name is Pappu and not Papu also what is so great about this bulletin buddy.It sucks bigtime.

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  • ashatara78
    03-10 04:38 PM
    The EB immigration system was fine before then; thus, the problem is supply/demand, not the immigration policies.

    I have no comments about comparison of family vs EB but the EB immigration system was not find before then. I have friends who were in this system in the late 1980s, early 1990s and had huge problems - had to wait a long time, could not switch jobs, could not visit back home for sibling's weddings etc.

    It was probably fine during the Clinton administration for a few years 1996-1999 but I only know of a few cases, not many.


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  • royus77
    08-10 09:10 PM
    If you are trying to open philosophical topic I suggest we do it in a separate thread, because that debate will be a very long one.

    BTW do you know the deal with the bees? Bees are just insects, right? But did you know that you are living here on this earth because of them? If the country is filled with geniuses then what is the worth of genius? Therefore dont compare humans in this way

    Most of the Eb3's are either working for big companies who won't do GC in EB2 or not qualified for eb2 ( so called 3 year degree ) and enjoying all these years when they know clearly eb3 is not going any where ...what in the world prevent them to move up the ladder and porting their PDs ...They dont want to take any risk and just show their frustation in internet forums

    As some one in the forum quoted "There is a path of joy and there is the path of pleasure. Pondering on them, the wise (eb1 ,pre-approved labor and eb2 inorder ) chooses the path of joy; the fool takes the path of pleasure."

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  • eilsoe
    02-16 06:52 PM
    I'll have a WIP screen up in a few minutes.. and then it's off to bed :sleep:


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  • ca_immigrant
    06-08 09:10 PM
    10 yrs???? what are you talking about, the pace at which we are going right now.. minimum 200 yrs+- 6 months:confused:

    saxena sabhib,
    maafi chata huin but I do not agree with your analysis....
    (I am sorry but I do not agree with your analysis)....

    I am thinking more like.....he pace at which we are going right now.. minimum 200 yrs+- 5 months
    (so my prediction is one month less than yours)....I am sure I am right and you are rong...;)

    anways, USCIS does not seem to help us anymore....

    I will go home and try to convince my daughter to sponsor me.....she is 4 currently so I might be able to convince her and get a legal document signed....

    have a good evening folks !

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  • nixstor
    07-05 02:17 PM
    Oh, you are just mean now!:p

    I think there should be a big a** button on the top of this screen that says "donations for immigration causes" or whatever and those who feel they can afford to do it will do it, otherwise making paid membership a requirement will severely cut down on the number of people coming on here. Makes no difference to me, there is tons of forums like this online. This is my favorite so far though.

    What difference does the membership of people make if they do not understand the agenda/motive of the organization? May be you are being mean in not understanding the agenda and needs of your favorite organization.

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  • nixstor
    07-05 01:02 PM
    And there is nothing wrong with that, right, because in the end you do not know what the financial situation of people on here is. One guy suggested a monthly contribution of 20 bucks, I laughed myself off the chair when I saw that. You're right, this is about "how not to pay" and why shouldn't it be. I don't make a lot, the lawyer's sucking me dry (in more ways than one if it were up to him), I've been waiting for this for ever, I have a family to support, etc.

    Well, in the end you all do what you want, don't worry, be happy :D

    Financial situation of all the non paying members is so bad that they earn 55-60K on avg and beyond. They all have all the filmi difficulties we see every day. What more reasons do we need NOT to pay?

    10-15 01:18 PM
    any one got approval after submitting recent RFE?

    06-12 02:55 PM
    very well said, some people here say (or is it hope) that getting an amendment introduced and passed is as simple as buying a ticket to a movie. After all the shock treatment given to us by durbin, kyl, kennedy some people just want more shock treatment

    So what do you suggest exactly? Kill CIR and come up with Skill or some new bill. If in your opinion getting an ammendment itself in CIR is difficult then you can image the state of getting altogether a new bill solely for the GC, as if the senate or House cares.
    In my opinion, our only hope is getting attached to a big bill, CIR or whatever. Rowing alone..we can never cross this sea of retrogression. You know the kind of funding that we have. When it comes to funding very few comes forward.