highest building in world

images the highest building in highest building in world. World#39;s fastest elevator
  • World#39;s fastest elevator

  • kicca
    08-29 02:09 PM
    found this old (aug 2002) but still interesting pdf that may help if nothing else to clarify some of the acronyms used in the I485 process:


    wallpaper World#39;s fastest elevator highest building in world. on the highest building in
  • on the highest building in

  • gc28262
    06-10 11:06 PM
    "THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

    THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

    THEN THEY CAME for me
    and by that time no one was left to speak up."


    highest building in world. Six of the world#39;s 10 fastest
  • Six of the world#39;s 10 fastest

  • crazyghoda
    01-30 02:20 PM
    Ok now I am confused. I was laid off while in India. Since I could not then use my H1 to reenter, I used the AP. So my I-94 is stamped as AOS. Are you saying this was not a lawful admission? Are you implying that from the time I entered the US on AP (Dec till date) is unlawful?

    Since 245(k) allow status check since last lawful admission, only details that matters is, since last admission. Please note that entry into US on AP does NOT count as lawful admission. It has to be non-immigrant visa.

    245(k) allows a waiver of 180 cumulative days for out-of-status since last lawful admssion (i.e. on H1/H4/L1/L2/F1 etc).

    Please have all AC-21 related documents for latest job (or job offer).

    2011 on the highest building in highest building in world. be the highest building of
  • be the highest building of

  • Administrator2
    04-20 03:11 PM

    We need 4-5 volunteers to make phone calls to IV members in CA. The purpose of the call is to inform and invite IV members in CA about this event so that we all could be well represented at this event. Please post a message or send a private message if you would like to voluneer for this effort. We will provide you with all the information required to make the phone calls to IV members. This task involves volunteering 30-45 minutes of your time. Please help this cause to help us all.



    highest building in world. Umeda Sky Building the World#39;s
  • Umeda Sky Building the World#39;s

  • chmur
    03-17 05:35 PM
    The way I read it is ...People with PD's earlier than 2004-05 have been their long enough to understnd the pain and hence are active in all these forums , participate in such polls etc.

    Others are happy with their EAD's and know anyway it's going to be a while and are in hibernation ...cannot blame them ...this GC following can get stressfull ....ignorance is bliss....suddenly the laws might change or something like July 07 might happen again ....

    I think only those who got stuck in the Labor backlog (This could be huge #) and few other unlucky ones like me are the ones who are still waiting in India-EB3 Catergory pre 2004.

    I know a bunch of India-EB3 pre 2004 got approved in the gold rush of July 2007

    highest building in world. world#39;s highest apartment.
  • world#39;s highest apartment.

  • pappu
    07-23 09:08 PM
    Employment Letter is Required. I would even go to the extent of emphasising to put original letter instead of a photocopy. Do not take chances. The application can be rejected/RFE can be issued in the absece of initial evidence. Read the new memo and educate yourself rather then blindly believing members or lawyers. Ignorance of law is not an excuse if you were to challenge a denial notice. When all information is available, make yourself educated. and BTW get a good lawyer to file your application so that each and every small detail can be taken care of.


    highest building in world. World#39;s highest building
  • World#39;s highest building

  • alterego
    07-04 08:31 PM
    Everyone blaming CIS/DOS needs to understand some basics behind this mess. Before going to conclude anything, first, one should read all the ombudsman reports for last 3 or 4 years. Former INS or current USCIS’s functions and operations were not questionable and not known to public till ombudsman office was established. Ombudsman has helped customers and keep helping to improve efficiency of CIS. Ombudsman main concern (or goal) have been over the 4 years are

    1. Primarily reducing backlogs in any application type particularly 485 and timely approval of any application.

    2. Abolish the need for interim benefits like EAD, AP etc. If they approve 485 in 6 months, then most of us do not require EAD and AP.

    3. Reduce the wastage of EB visas, as unused EB visas can not be carried over to next year (use it or lose it). Since 1992, about 200,000 EB visas were lost permanently. In 2003 alone, they issued only 64,000 EB visas and lost 88,000.

    The recent report to congress, the ombudsman scolded the CIS left and right for its inefficiency and highlighted how many EB visas were lost for ever, in last 10 years despite the very heavy demand for employment based green cards. Based on his report, both CIS and DOS try to obey the direction of ombudsman and modifying the 485 adjudication procedure. The reason for loss of EB visas in previous years not only due to inefficiency in processing the 485s on time, it is also due to lengthy background check delay by FBI, where USCIS has no control. For example, in 2003 they could approve about 64,000 485s only. It is partially due to USCIS inefficiency and partially due to lengthy FBI check. There are 300,000 (AOS+ Naturalization applicants) cases are pending with FBI for name check. Out of which, about 70,000 cases are pending more than 2 years. Out of 300,000 victims of name check delay, how many are really threat to the country? Perhaps none or may be few! Remember that lot of Indians also victims of name check and all the victims of name check delay already living in USA.

    The big problem is the timing when USCIS takes the visa number for a 485 applicant. Till 1982, INS took visa number for a 485 applicant as soon as they receive the application. Visa number assigned to a 485 applicant without processing his/her application. He/She may not be a qualified applicant to approve 485. Still they assign to them. If they found, the applicant is ineligible, they suppose to return the number back to DOS. However, this practice was modified after 1982. USCIS is taking visa number only at the time of approval of 485, after processing the 485 for a lengthy period. For some people, particularly victims of name check, 485 processing time vary between 2 to 5 years. Though, it is a good practice it is not the ideal or efficient process, due to name check delay. Let us assume about 150,000 are victim of name check in 2003. If they assigned all the numbers to these 150,000 applicants at the time they filed 485, the 88,000 visa numbers might have not been lost in 2003. Now what happens, those who filed 485 in 2003 (victim of name check delay) will take EB numbers from 2007 or 2008 quota, if FBI clears his/her file in 2007 or 2008. This will push back those who are going to file 485 in 2007 or 2008.

    That why, ombudsman in his 2007 yearly report to Congress recommended to practice the old way of assigning visa number to 485 applicants, to minimize the loss of visa numbers.

    Now lets come to July Visa bulletin mess.

    Because of tight holding of visa cutoff dates for EB3 and EB2 for the first 8 months of 2007 (From Oct 2006 to May 2007) USCIS approved only 66,000 485s. For the next 4 months they have about 60K to 70K numbers available. If they approve the pending 485s with slower speed or old cut off dates, there is a potential estimated loss of 40,000 EB visas by Sep 2007. Thats why, based on ombudsman recommendation, DOS moved considerably the cut off date for June. When they took inventory in May, there are about 40,000 documentarily qualified 485 applications were pending due to non-availability of visa numbers. The “documentarily qualified 485 applications” mean the application filed long time back and processed by USCIS and cleared the FBI name and criminal check, and found eligible for green card. Apart from 40,000 documentarily qualified 485 applications, there is thousands of 485 applications (documentarily not yet qualified) pending due to name check. When DOS checked with USCIS they found only 40,000 documentarily qualified 485 applications (in all EB categories put together) are pending. However, the available visas are more than 40,000 (60to 70K). Then they made with out consulting properly with USCIS they made “current” for all EB categories. This is how they determine “current” or “over-subscribed” and how they establish cutoff dates.

     If there are sufficient numbers in a particular category to satisfy all reported documentarily qualified demand, the category is considered “Current.”

     Whenever the total of documentarily qualified applicants in a category exceeds the supply of numbers available for allotment for the particular month, the category is considered to be “oversubscribed” and a visa availability cut-off date is established.

    There is nothing wrong with DOS to make all categories “current” for a July bulletin as per they definition of demand vs supply estimation to meet the numerical limitations per year. Perhaps the DOS did not aware of other impact of making all categories “current” ie fresh guys entering into I-485 race. Because of “current” there will be additional tons and tons of new filings. The rough estimation is about 500K to 700K new 485s and same amount of EAD and AP applications will be filed in July. But the available number is just 60K, and there are already 40K documentarily qualified 485s are pending more than 6 months to 3 years to take the numbers from remaining 60K pool. That leaves just 20K to fresh 485 filings. If 700K new 485 filed in July, it will choke the system. People have to live only in EAD and AP for next 5 to 10 years.

    For example, an EB3-Indian whose LC approved through fast PERM on July 30th 2007, can apply 140 and 485 on July 31st 2007 as per July visa bulletin. For his PD, it will take another 10 years for the approval of 485. During this 10 year period, he/she has to live in EAD and AP and need to go for finger print every 15 month.

    Therefore by making “current” for all EB categories is a billion dollar mistake by both DOS and CIS first part.. Another mistake is timing of rectifying mistake. USCIS and DOS and law firms should have discussed immediately about the potential chaos about making current and rectified move the cut-off to reasonable period to accommodate additional 20K 485s. If they modified the VB, with in couple of days after July 13, then there wont be a this much stress, time and wastage of money.

    There is nothing wrong in issuing additional advisory notice or modified visa bulletin to control the usage of visa numbers. The only mistake both USCIS and DOS is made is the timing of issuance of modified visa bulletin or advisory notice. It indicates poor transparency in the system and bad customer service. Now, they used all 140K visas this year. Assigning remaining 20K visa numbers to already pending 485s which are not yet documentarily (name check delayed cases) qualified is not the violation of law. It was old practice. In fact, ombudsman recommends it. They have the trump card which is Ombudsman report and recommendations. Therefore they are immune to lawsuit. Therefore, filing the law-suit is not going to help. The only two mistakes I see is 1) making all categories as “current” in June 13 and second is modifying VB only on July 2.

    My recommendation is to IV is capitalize the situation in constructive way. Law suit only bring media attention with the expense of money and time. The constructive approach is getting an immediate interim relief by legislation to recapture unused visas in previous years to balance the supply vs demand difference.

    Excellent analysis and reccomendations. I feel that a visa number should be assigned at the point of 485 filing. If there is a problem it can be returned to the pool. That will be the least disruptive way to allot numbers in a timely fashion. In the end, that is likely to be the change that will come out of this.

    This way, it will offer prospective applicants a more clear viewpoint of what they are up against when they consider their immigration options. i.e if you know you will have to wait 10 yrs to file an AOS even if you have an approved immigrant petition ala the family based immigrants, your plans would be different. You might not feel the wait worthwhile or even if you do, you do it fully aware of the consequences, 10 yrs exploitative employer on h1b etc.
    If you notice, the level of hubris and cry is less in family based immigration even though the waits are longer. Atleast they know before they apply!

    Your last point about a visa recapture is on the money. It is the least disruptive and easiest of the possible changes for current EB applicants in the current hostile atmosphere. It comes across as a rectification of USCIS inefficiency rather than a request for more immigration, which the public has clearly rejected at this time. If we can get 100-150K visas recaptured, this will greatly help EVERYONE in the EB queue for various reasons. It will buy us the 1-2 yrs needed before immigration is seriously addressed again. It will help those waiting to file 485 to file, those in 485 to have a hope to get out etc. It will help heavily retrogressed countries to keep getting more visas than the annual caps etc. I think that is something everyone can agree on as well.

    2010 Six of the world#39;s 10 fastest highest building in world. the highest building in
  • the highest building in

  • whitecollarslave
    01-18 08:06 PM
    By law, you are not suppose to make copies of an official US document.

    Where did you get this information from?


    highest building in world. World Highest Building.
  • World Highest Building.

  • sheela
    10-20 02:00 PM
    Someone put red dot on this post saying" "some red for you, so you can get used to it :-)".

    This kind of idiots are cowards and b*****ds. They don't have guts to come forward and post their opinions. I rather appreciate persons like BEC .... who came upfront saying they are not comfortable with idea and we could discuss more.

    Someone gave me RED with comments " RED for you for giving GREEN" to someone in this thread.Man you are a gone case.... get a life and come-out-of-hiding

    hair be the highest building of highest building in world. 2nd highest building in the
  • 2nd highest building in the

  • vedicman
    06-15 10:55 AM
    Can IV as a non profit organization contribute to the campaigns of candidates running against senators like Grassley? If so IV should do it. We should defeat Senators like Grassley who do not care to understand the issues but just stick to dumb talking points. These senators just talk of foreign workers and how to stop them - not once do they initiate any bill that will actually make the US more competitive by investing in education (math and science specifically).

    We will actually be doing a service to the American citizens by taking out dinosaurs like Grassley!! and also prevent frivolous bills that target high skilled immigrants!!


    highest building in world. Burj Khalifa, highest building
  • Burj Khalifa, highest building

  • grinch
    03-11 03:26 PM
    Gah BlueSun, I love your render, especially the lighting...


    hot Umeda Sky Building the World#39;s highest building in world. The highest building over 43
  • The highest building over 43

  • mbawa2574
    02-17 08:56 AM
    I am sorry if I offended anyone. I don't recall how.
    and by the way, my friend, you really really need a life :-) That's the last thing you'll hear from me on this subject.
    peace out

    Thanks again for supporting IV. Only point I was against was your support of racism of 40's. Anywaz I understand that you want to convey some other message but probably used the wrong link. Peace and Unity !!


    house highest building in world. highest building in world. World#39;s tallest uilding opens
  • World#39;s tallest uilding opens

  • meera_godse
    01-31 02:15 PM
    1. Is travel advisable or even permitted during such a transition ?

    2. If one travels to india after getting an H1 & decides to return way before October (say around june), is he permitted to enter so early before the job cycle starts in oct ? coz this rule applies to F1 people. or will he be allowed to enter just before oct, say in sept or so ?

    3. what if one travels when H1 has been filed but not yet received.

    tattoo world#39;s highest apartment. highest building in world. the World#39;s Highest,
  • the World#39;s Highest,

  • shantanup
    02-04 10:39 AM
    Some questions to those who are supporting country cap.

    Why not put a country cap on foreign students’ visas since many of them get into the green card line eventually?
    Why not put a country cap on H1B visas since many of them get into the green card line eventually?
    Why not put a country cap on labor certifications?
    Why not put a country cap on I-140s?
    Why not impose a country cap at the port of entry?
    Why not put a country cap on visitors’ visas?
    Why not put a country cap on business visas?
    Why not put a country cap on US trade with other countries?
    Why not put a country cap on amount of US $ reserves that each country can have?
    Why not put a country cap on children that foreigners in the US can bear?
    Why not put a country cap on the foreigners’ earnings in the US?
    And the list can go on.

    Putting country cap on greens cards serves a hidden racist agenda of not letting the people of one particular ethnic group grow in number and become strong.


    pictures World#39;s highest building highest building in world. the world#39;s highest tennis
  • the world#39;s highest tennis

  • vagish
    07-16 06:16 PM
    Following up on the NYTimes article about the NumbersUSA group, I visited their website and saw that they have a free FAX program where they can easily send faxes to their senators.

    One of their fax letters is below, which is a complete mis-representation of truth - look at point #2.


    Dear [This fax will go to Your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative ]

    I oppose any increase in the annual H-1B visa cap, including those in the SKIL Act. I am counting on you to oppose it.

    Here are just a few reasons why I hope you will oppose the SKIL Act:

    (1) The six-year visas allow foreign workers to bring in their families, and guarantee thousands of anchor babies.

    (2) H-1B salaries are tax-exempt - no FICA, no federal or state income taxes. They can live at the same level as tax-paying Americans at a lower cost. Therefore, Congress allows foreigners to "low-ball" American workers.

    (3) H-1Bs can leave the job they came to fill and seek other jobs, not necessarily in the "hard to fill" category.

    (4) Most H-1Bs are of a "protected" ethnic group, so H-1Bs have an affirmative action preference when competing with Americans for the same jobs.

    The result of the SKIL Act would be to further depress the wages of Americans working in high-tech and scientific fields and to cause additional job displacement for those workers.

    Sincerely, [Your Name Will Appear Here]


    Is there any way we could let the senators know that this is complete lie, misinformation and mis-representation of facts?. We should also let the senators know that the credibility of these organizations are questionable and following the news/faxes from these organizations would in turn put the credibility of these senators at a BIG RISK. We also should let the senators know that these groups are artificially "hiking" up the count by sending in duplicate faxes.

    Also, I recommend creating a similar page in IV website, where we can have an automated 1-2-3 STEP fax facility where we can automatically fax a letter to senators. It should be as simple as selecting the state and pressing the Send Fax button. Please let me know if you need any programming help from me.


    dresses The highest building over 43 highest building in world. world#39;s highest building,”
  • world#39;s highest building,”

  • sameer2730
    03-12 10:41 AM
    To all those who are screaming and shouting about "IV collecting Donations and doing nothing", I am not a donor myself, but we have to understand that IV IS THE ONLY platform we (EB community) have. However shaky or small the platform is. It takes a different kind of person to doggedly keep at something as insipid and difficult and immigration relief for EB and to put up with all the brickbats that armchair immigration proponents and to be beneficiaries like us throw at the IV core.

    Pappu, I have put forth this idea many times, and will do so again, let IV be a members only forum, with a REASONABLE annual subscrition amount (say equal to themonthly cost of a decent cable/satellite subscription:-)..

    This will achieve the following:
    (1) Assured, stable fund collection for IV activities
    (2) Only genuine IV supporters will sign up.
    (3) To some extent, may be, will keep antis away (this is not assured, but may happen)

    ...Its Friday, so pickup a 6-pack, 12 pack or whatever pack on your way home, and relax...

    $25 a month is reasonable. What people want it GC in $25 in less than 6 months. Somehow these same guys do not mind paying lawyers $700 for EAD filing which they could do themselves. In other words they trust lawyers who are clearly have a self interest in you not getting a GC but will not trust one of your kind because these guys think their crummy $25 is being flinched.


    makeup World Highest Building. highest building in world. highest building in world.
  • highest building in world.

  • pappu
    12-13 01:12 PM
    Pappu has doused the fire..:(
    Thanks for understanding. sorry though for disappointing you.
    I must say that the motivation and drive in members is great these days. Last week's effort has had positive effect on all of us and united us. Let us all use this energy sphere we have created to help make this organization strong and take part in the current action items.

    girlfriend the World#39;s Highest, highest building in world. highest building Shanghai
  • highest building Shanghai

  • good idea
    09-09 03:52 PM
    You know it takes serious $$$ to get anything moving.
    Please consider $50/month level.

    I would happily join this but would I have access to Immigration Voice accounts, so that I can find out where that money is spent? Or that option is only for founder members of Immigration Voice? Problem is not contribution, but awareness where that money will go.

    hairstyles Burj Khalifa, highest building highest building in world. World#39;s fastest elevator
  • World#39;s fastest elevator

  • jonty_11
    06-13 01:37 PM
    Can Bush really do it?

    Source - www.immigration-law.com

    06/12/2007: How Successful Was Bush in Today's Lunch with GOP Leaders in the Hill?

    * Senator Sessions reportedly said "Bush Should Back-Off." Additionally, the up-beat statement of the President on the plane to the U.S. from the trip in Europe yesterday and today's speech for the press after the lunch very much speak for itself that he has failed to twist arms of his party leaders to support and move ahead with the dormant compromise CIR bill in the Senate. Report also indicates that the Senate Majority Leader is not ready to change his mind unless Bush assures support from the Respublican Senators and Madam Pelosi, the House Speaker, maintains a position that unless the Senate passes the bill, she would not pick up CIR in the House. The news on Bush's plan to visit the Capitol building today raised hopes high in the CIR support communities and today's news should be certainly a disappointment. Read on.

    11-22 10:40 AM
    Ok. Here is a question I have.

    I know one can get 3 years extensions once 140 is approved even with previous employer. The question is -

    Assume EB2 140 is approved for previous employer has PD June 2004, and then one changes the job. By the time his 6 years of H1B gets over, June 2004 becomes current. Now the person cannot file 485 since 140 was approved for old employe whom he has left an year back. Will the person still get 3 years of extension on H1B?

    I was thinking, u get 3 years extension due to retrogession.. so with the fact that PD is current, how will you still get 3 years of extension?


    Yes. You are correct. 3 year extension after I-140 approvals can be granted only if you are unable to file for I-485. Things will be complicated in the scenario you outlined which would require some prior planning.

    It is all a big mess, forcing us to stay in this perpetually uncertain state, putting our lives on hold. Of course we all have a choice : factor out the GC from our career / life equation and move on without all the complexities. I guess we will see more and more people taking that route now given the gloomy scene on retrogession.

    03-11 12:01 AM
    Really sorry everybody, guess I�m the last one to post, I don�t know if I made it on time, but if not tell me and I�ll put the image down. Really sorry everybody... yes again.

    Any way my entry :

    (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v55/BlueSunD/Maya/BSDFinalSubway.jpg) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v55/BlueSunD/Maya/BSDFinalSubway.jpg

    and the wires:

