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  • sledge_hammer
    07-24 10:11 AM
    To file for EAD/AP you need to wait until you get your I-485 receipt. PD is irrelevant after your I-485 applications has been receipted.

    Few employers and few lawyers didn't apply for EAD/AP on July 2nd. My employer said they applied for 485 but not EAD/AP. They will wait for receipt notice and then apply for EAD/AP.
    After Aug 17th, can we still apply for EAD/AP knowing dates won't be current.


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  • ItIsNotFunny
    10-15 04:58 PM
    Please wait and watch for couple of months. You can keep writing to congressmen, ombudsman, push for visa recapture in lame ducks, ask for more transparency into the process but please don't send any flowers now and try to embarrass any govt organization directly. We don't know what effect its going to have.Instead go through the Ombudsman to voice your concerns.Finally, please get the consent of core IV before you attempt this.

    We really, really want EB2/3-I folks, especially those who have been waiting for 5 years or more, to get out of this gc process as painlessly as possible.

    Hi, just matter of curiosity. You have total 4 posts out of them 3 are in this thread and Joined recently. I must appreciate your knowledge about forum including core etc. Must be pretty smart guy (or gal I don't know).

    Nice to see such a smart person.

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  • rajsand
    09-26 12:22 PM
    Thanked her, appreciated her and also
    requested her to look into our issues and come up with something similar for all of us looking to shroten the route to GC!

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  • abhijitp
    07-25 01:27 AM
    Your lawyers are not adding the employment letter because they are working in the ineterst of your HR department and not in your interest. Your HR thinks that after 180 days you will leave the job. So in order to retain you, they are filing incomplete application to invoke an RFE or rejection and keep things iin their control. Hope you are smart enough to see the games people are playing with your greencard application.
    Yes, I have this feeling already. Now, what happens if someone switches jobs using AC-21 and then this RFE is received? You have to submit the NEW employment / offer letter right? So how does this help the current employer to stop you from switching jobs?


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  • sodh
    07-24 01:35 AM
    Pappu, Others:

    My lawyer confirmed they were "unable to" include the Employment Verification Letter along with the AOS/ EAD/ AP packet that was submitted in time to reach USCIS on July 2.

    What are my options now? If you have any insight please let me know.

    I was wondering about doing one or both of the following two things:
    1. Send Employment Verification Letter even before Receipt Notice is received for I-485. This is likely to be lost in the mess that it is now, but does not hurt trying!
    2. Prepare and send another I-485 with all documents including Employment Verification Letter. Even if this is not recommended by some lawyers, I would think this is better than simply relying on the "common" practice of issuing an RFE instead of outright rejecting the I-485.

    Can someone clarify to our needy members the difference between employment verification letter and employment offer letter please try to understand EVL is not neccesary if you can produce latest payslips from the Employer who sponsored your GC but employment offer letter is very important from the same Employer who sponsored your GC.

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  • pappu
    01-18 01:18 PM
    we need some more members to keep this effort stay ignited. This effort has helped us get several hundred members in the past few weeks. Pls continue to help. It will only take 15 min of your time.


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  • Jaime
    02-19 12:27 AM
    Guys, this looks good. It is NOT for illegal aliens. Paragraphs (c) and (d) state that the alien must be admissible as an immigrant (i.e. not have broken the law by being an illegal), read paragraph (d) here:

    "(d) Security and Law Enforcement Clearances- The alien, if over 15 years of age, shall submit fingerprints in accordance with procedures established by the Secretary of Homeland Security. Such fingerprints shall be submitted to relevant Federal agencies to be checked against existing databases for information relating to criminal, national security, or other law enforcement actions that would render the alien ineligible for adjustment of status under this section. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a process for challenging the accuracy of matches that result in a finding of ineligibility for adjustment of status."

    Read the "or other law enforcement actions that would render the alien ineligible for adjustment of status under this section", anyone who broke the law by entering the country illegally would NOT be eligible.

    So, stop sending those letters opposing this bill, and instead let's support it!!

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  • eager_immi
    07-05 12:59 PM
    This poll is useless. Majority people on this website don'y pay a dime, for obvious reasons they want this to to be an unpaid site. Not that I care either way since I have done what I think is right.

    No need to conduct this poll. What's your point? go by the
    majority if they say no?

    Make it 20$ per month and be done with it. Those who couldn't do this
    are unlikely to be helpful anyway.


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  • pointlesswait
    02-03 11:59 AM
    To change the country quota.. you will have the change the entire US theory of melting pot. just a quick search on wiki will enlighten you about the history behind the country quota.. which was first enacted in 1924.

    SO IV will look like Don quixote..trying to go after the unthinkable.

    i agree with this quota system.. US has seen London become Londonisthan.. i am sure they wont let US to be overwhelmed by ppl from one country..

    our best bet would be:
    a.) Ask for transparency
    b.) One time capture of unused GC from past 10 years.

    something more realistic..

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  • ianlock
    09-12 11:34 AM

    I carnt make it to the DC Rally, as i am in the UK, but this morning i sent the Channel 4 News desk an email explaining our plight in the hope that they might cover the DC rally and get you guys some air time, i also sent the same email to the ITN news desk, so you never know you might be on TV over here.

    Hope this counts as a contribution. ???


    Ian lock
    EB3 ROW


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  • senthil1
    06-12 02:29 PM
    It looks like without H1b restrictions you may not get anything. That is mood in the Senate. If CIR is not coming what is your idea? Skill bill seperately is difficult if not impossible. Last minute they may increase H1b for a few years(But last minute increase of GC is impossible. You might have learned lesson on last lame duck session and February 2007) that will further screw up Gc waiting persons.If CIR comes you can have a chance of some favorable amendment in House if not happens in Senate. Also if you oppose CIR you are joining with your enemy and you have risk of losing crediblity. Compete America does not oppose CIR and they are opposing some portions and trying Amendments and they did not advice to any Senator to oppose the bill

    So what is your point, you say only CIR can bring any relief to eb immigrants and no other bill like skil will be considered, but cir will not gives us any relief at all, so you would prefer a cir without any relief for us rather than not having any bill?

    all this talk about cantwell amendment, what does cantwell amendment offer us, it offers us nothing that we dont already have. Canwell amendment is the best amednment we have so far, that should give you an idea of the pathetic situation we are in. Please start opposing this bill. If not, can somebody enlighten me what is the "good stuff" i am missing in this bill.

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  • Appu
    10-20 05:30 PM
    The democrats will take the house by a very large majority and the senate by a less-than-60 vote majority. So if CIR makes a come back republicans will not be in a very strong position to strike a deal on high-skilled immigration. But there are a number of democrats who also support high-skilled immigration. People opposed to H1B and employment-based green card reforms are on both sides of the aisle (Dems Dick Durbin and Byron Dorgan, Republicans Jeff Sessions and Chuck Grassley for example) but hopefully they will remain a minority. It also looks like vocal supporters like Jon Cornyn will win re-election. But Pete Domenici is retiring. So, on the balance, there will be some change but not a drastic change on the legislative side.

    Sen Obama is a very pragmatic and thoughtful person. You should know that he was co-sponsor of the PACE Act which, among other things, tried to create a F4 visa and make it very easy for STEM graduates to get green cards. There is absolutely no need to be panicked about a Obama win. Sen McCain, on the other hand, seems to have gone back on many of his immigration promises these last few months. It will be a concern if there is a democratic congress and McCain is in the White House.


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  • EB3_SEP04
    05-26 05:31 PM
    An officer's duty is to ask for papers. And for just few questions you are upset.

    Just think about in the other way.

    What if the officer gets upset while you remain silent....

    You don't have to post such experience as everybody knows what would happen.

    Clearly dude, you have no idea what you are talking about. we are not talking about a situation like what to do if a thug holds you at gunpoint and asked for money. we talking about a Govt rule or law. it's about what is right and what is wrong. The officer could throw a bad word at you like "i am pretty sure you are terrorist" which would be in our favor. worst case he would shoot me, but chances of that happening are next to zero.

    I want to remain silent, raise suspicion, make them scramble to find out who i am, make them feel like working hard only to find out that I have made a fool of them. That's the only way they would realize how stupid the rule is.

    Just imagin that Sunday 1000 people had remained silent, they would have to call to their superiors for more officers, more cars, more laptops, documents, more running around, etc. That would have become an issue in the state senate where the budget is already tight, they are fighting for pennies and the nonsense border patrol has spent millions in a day to find NOTHING (because ALL illegals had escapped by saying one word "CITIZEN").

    BUT... it needs guts to do that, not sure if you fall in that category.

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  • sku
    01-22 11:05 AM
    Nice definition for happiness for American, Japenese , So what about definition of happiness for Indian , Is it GC ? :):)


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  • shantanup
    02-04 10:39 AM
    Some questions to those who are supporting country cap.

    Why not put a country cap on foreign students’ visas since many of them get into the green card line eventually?
    Why not put a country cap on H1B visas since many of them get into the green card line eventually?
    Why not put a country cap on labor certifications?
    Why not put a country cap on I-140s?
    Why not impose a country cap at the port of entry?
    Why not put a country cap on visitors’ visas?
    Why not put a country cap on business visas?
    Why not put a country cap on US trade with other countries?
    Why not put a country cap on amount of US $ reserves that each country can have?
    Why not put a country cap on children that foreigners in the US can bear?
    Why not put a country cap on the foreigners’ earnings in the US?
    And the list can go on.

    Putting country cap on greens cards serves a hidden racist agenda of not letting the people of one particular ethnic group grow in number and become strong.

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  • Norristown
    09-11 08:41 AM
    I am a great admirer of IV, because it is the only organization really working for legal immigrants.
    Yesterday we are all watching TV,internet for Senate voting on HR5882. Nothing happened.
    We are depending on other websites , to know about bill markup. All threads are filling up with all kind of guessing and speculation.
    Don't we have any channel (lobbyists) to know whether it is marked up or not?


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  • DDD
    03-13 06:44 PM
    I voted eilsoe. The reason being his model and render seems more fundamentally sound. Thirdworldwoman's was cool but the proportions were off. All in good work all of ya'll

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  • singhsa3
    03-04 12:41 PM
    Already, spoken to couple of them. Anyways, the point is not that I get the mortgage, the point is that we get our GC or Admin fixes done.
    shop to different lenders....there are many of them that understand that the ead is renewable. its up to u as a consumer how to make ur case.

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  • logiclife
    04-20 01:55 PM
    Attn: California Members – Please participate in this event to support STRIVE ACT.

    This is a town-hall meeting organized by Congressman Gutierrez (Sponsor of STRIVE ACT) in San Jose, CA on Saturday April 21st at 4:00 PM.


    1775 Story Road.
    San Jose CA 95122.

    Date and Time:

    Saturday April 21 4:00 PM.


    To stand in support of STRIVE act of 2007 and thereby support title 5 of high-skills legal immigration. It is very important for Immigration Voice to show up in large number so that we can project our strength and also confirm our support to the congressman and thank him for working to reform the broken system by including provisions to remove skilled-immigration backlog. You can also ask questions during the Q&A to Congressman Gutierrez.

    Pratik will be attending this with many other members of IV in San Jose and Bay area including a couple of other core group members. I will be driving to this event from Reno unless there is severe weather on I-80 at Donner pass. If anyone from Reno wants to carpool with me, please email me at

    Please show your support for STRIVE act and our support to congressman as its very important to be vocal and active for upcoming bills in Senate (May) and House (June-July).


    If you have questions about this event, please email Pratik at (

    03-12 01:03 PM
    Excuse me who are you calling a disease?

    who has given you the right to name call, when I have not used any profanity words? Please choose your words carefully, as it does not reflect a good reputation on part of a person who is trying to make a point and bring awareness.

    Just because you have 1485 filed much before your PD and have the better half of the situation, does not allow you to be an advocator on behalf of IV.

    The question was means for IV and PAPPU, and to galvanize this organization to do something big, than take things for granted.

    Thank you

    This may be partially my fault. I took name. I wanted to say any donor, I tool ronhira as symbolic representative of donors as he was as part of debate.

    Sorry Ron.

    10-17 06:33 PM
    Hi, I am working for Company ABC on L1 B, I-94 valid till mid2008.
    I will get married in Feb08 and bring my spouse on L2 visa here.
    She intends to work in the US. I understand that I can get her EAD.
    If her employer processes her GC . Am I eligible to be added on that.
    Basically, if her GC processing starts, is it possible for me to work here irrespective of my visa status.
    Kindly advise on this scenario. We both want to work in the US and I want to switch job provided she is able to continue to work also.