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  • chanduv23
    08-05 11:00 PM
    Please join us for a tri state lunch meet. We would like to start working on volunteers/ mobilizing members for the DC rally. Even if you cannot take the day off and come to DC please come by for the lunch. We could really use help with banners/posters/ and ideas to make this a success.

    WHEN: Saturday AUGUST 11th
    LOCATION- 148 E 48TH St, New York, NY 10017 (between Lexington and Third Avenues.)

    TIME: 1:30 pm


    Thank you!

    NJ members please join the tri state chapter by clicking on the link in my signature (NY chapter is now tri state chapter)

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  • sanju_dba
    07-24 11:15 AM
    The early the 485 filing , the early you are from your citizen ship date?

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    06-11 02:26 PM

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  • lazycis
    12-20 08:54 PM
    I think so. I went in an out of country 4 times. 2 Indian trips and 2 Canadian trips.

    That's just another proof. A person who accumulated more than 180 days of unlawful presence is inadmissible into the US (at least for 3 years).


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  • paskal
    03-16 02:01 PM
    dont "warn" think i give a damn about your "warning"??

    the right to speak is MINE. all YOU can do from your high horse is ban me from the forum.

    i really dont care, i still think interfilers and substituters should get what they derserve. every single bit of it. may they really, truly, go to hell, and stay there indefinitely.

    and NO, dont preach to me about trying to "fix" the system. the agenda here is mostly EB3, and mostly Indian, at best. the multitudes of diploma holders get pissed when i call them out for what they are...........why are THEY so sensitive and ashamed???

    i have a RIGHT to be in the proper EB queue, which i EARNED, and did not employ cheap desi-employer tricks and other games to get into........if that does not answer your doubts my friend, then as i said earlier, ban me..........i dont really care either way.

    i dont advertise what i have done or can do for IV. somehow, that is a little demeaning. sort of like going to a temple and offering some money and then coming out and proclaiming to one and all how generous a give you are....

    so i will try one last time.

    your issues are whatever they are, i did not ask you to change your mind on them, neither did i choose to debate you on them. we all acknowledge that this is a bad system, and we all we can do is try fix it. of course like you we could simply vent, curse and blame everyone as well. not that will change a thing.

    now the issue with your posts is your language and your tenor. kindly fix that.
    yes i can ban you, i choose not to at this time. and yes take it as another warning. if you are contributing to iv action that is wonderful. language like this will however not be tolerated on this forum. please read the posting guidelines if you have doubts. i have posted the link and a snippet for your reference below. now chill out a bit and don't have a "coronary". we are all frustrated. what you are doing is not helping.

    "Posts that denigrate members, potential members or even anti-immigrant groups not welcome - such posts are against Immigration Voice principles. Immigration Voice reserves the right to take action against such posts and posters. You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, disrespectful, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law."

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  • senthil1
    12-22 11:14 AM
    I know many of my friends who were not paid in bench. All of them received green card without any problem. But only difference is they were in unpaid bench anywhere between 2 to 6 months. I do not know anyone who was in unpaid bench for 1 year or more. Most INS officiers are sympathic towards many violations. Recently one of my friend's wife forgot to renew H4 and she was Visa overstay for about 8 months. She applied change of status explainig the situation her H4 was extended with validity date from original expiry date.

    I wasn't goofin off, by choice. I had no option but wait and pray that my employer would find a job for me. I had every reason to bother at his stage, because I invested so much time and money to file my GC. Natually, I am bothered because you never know what USCIS would ask; they are always ready to pull the carpet underneath you. What if IO ask me to prove that I am not out of status ? would I be able to show the proof? No! I can't...


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  • feedfront
    09-23 12:14 PM
    Hi All,

    Employer A - original sponsoring employer. Got laidoff and joined B (large corporate). Before dates got current got offer from C and C applied for H1 transfer. Now received RFE on I-485 to provide EVL from current employer along with paystubs and W2.

    My problem here is that I consulted Murthy and they are saying that I need to make a choice between my current employer B and my potential new employer C whom I have not started working yet but they have filed for H-1 transfer. If I respond to the RFE using my current employer information then it is more straightforward but then I will need to stay with them if I get my GC right away after responding to the RFE. But if I use my new employer's letter then I don't have paystubs to show until I join them which won't be until the H-1 transfer goes through and I go through one payroll cycle. But that will be too late to respond to the RFE.

    If I don't join C then I need to pay for the H1 transfer that they filed and attorneys fees. At the same time I am also not happy with my current employers HR and attorney.

    I would go for employer B, as my misery would be short. You are current and it's just few weeks (unless something goes wrong) + 6 months of misery working with current employer (max 9 months :cool: ) . You can work part time with C to cover up your H1B fees.

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  • sbabunle
    01-02 12:29 AM
    Could you guys please give me the matter to post so that I dont have to type in the whole story again...thanks


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  • pcs
    11-16 11:13 PM
    send polite but firm letters to....

    Cut and paste the rule from the thread to educate him and other...

    Alejandro Mayorkas
    Director USCIS
    20 Massachusetts Avenue NW
    Washington DC 20529

    After sending letters ... post it on this thread... I have sent 4 letters on behalf of my 4 family members....

    Make the noise NOW ... so that they will have REASONS to release the unused VISAs on 8th DECEMBER......

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  • cps060
    01-31 04:48 PM
    I am actually looking for a very simple answer : My husband whose EB-2 I-140 had been approved some time back, wants to quit his job & pursue MBA on F-1. Would the I-539 be approved in this case ? Or should he plan for H4.
    BTW , he has no plans to travel out of country so stamping is not an issue.


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  • desibechara
    10-12 03:39 PM
    I am..

    EB3 India..PD Oct 2001, LC certfied on June 19,, got in hand on July26
    Applied I140, I485 and I170, I130 on Aug7
    NSC..receipts Sep19
    FP notice for Oct 30,have not recived for wifes' FP notice
    EAD online notice for both of us ..on Oct 9

    I understand lot of people are anxious about GC..but look at dates!!!

    Its been 6 years..


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  • sweet_jungle
    04-22 12:42 PM
    [QUOTE=caydee]Overall, the turnout was good. And the audience was very involved. The thing that impressed me the most was the resolve I saw in the Congressman.

    I believe two IV members were on the dais. But, I do not know their names. Who were they? Were they the ones who met the Congressman later?


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  • rakesh_one
    03-07 11:47 AM everyone else I have been doing exhaustive research on this subject for last month or so.....I have resigned this week from my job and have decided to use AC21...... following are answers to some of your questions...

    New Employer support - There is no need for the new employer to support the GC process.....After you file 485, the process is yours as an individual and not of any employer....All you are saying is that my I-140 was once approved with some employer and USCIS took forever (read more than 180 days) to give me my green as long as your job is in the same profession (read occupational classification) you are NO, the new employer does not need to support the process....all they have to say in the employement verification letter is that we intend to hire this person on permenant basis after getting his Green Card...... Please read Yates Memo of 2005 and it will tell you all there is to know about AC21.....

    Lawyer Support and Expenses------- I can imagine lawyers trying to make whatever case for asking whatever ammount of money for AC21 as that is a new business area for them?----- I do not think you need a lawyer for this.....there are plenty of letters on the net that show the template....also, if you are sure your employer is not going to revoke the I-140 then you are not even required to send the letter untill if and when USCIS asks for employement verification letter.....

    As per charges from RK and Murthy...

    Rajiv Khanna - $3000 for primary +$1000 per dependent

    Murthy - $2000....

    I have done some exhaustive research on this AC21 crap and have decided to change the employment......

    You are wrong. New Employer has to support GC.

    Since GC is for future employment, there should be an employer willing to hire you on the day 1 you got your GC. AC 21 helps you to transfer the burdon from one employer to other. In most cases, by providing an employement letter for a permanent job in the same or similar job, it is kind of implied that the new employer has assumed that burdon without themselves knowing it. It would help your case, if the new employer explicitly say that they acknowledge your pending 485 and would assure USCIS that they have a job up on approval 485.

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  • eb3India
    06-12 03:12 PM
    why should anyone now listen to Bush, he just a lameduck at this point and don't bring his war funding victory, they just did'nt have any other choice but support brave soldiers and Bush know that

    My point is CIR starts and ends with illegal immigration our reforms are just a sideeffect which may or may not happen.

    what we need is a new stratergy which address our issues again I repeat our issue only, which means no H1B increase, just a system reform which ends retrogession.

    for which we don't need any law change, we need someone to held accountable for USCIS wasting as many as 40K visas, Everyone in this country is accountable and letz use it


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  • webm
    04-24 11:53 AM
    Thank you all for the warm response. I appreciate it and wish the same for absolutely all of you. I hope my heated discussions with various officials about TSC's lack of action will clear some logjam for everyone else who is current but still waiting.

    Thanks much!!

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  • GCStatus
    09-18 12:01 AM
    You cornered me? On what basis? You throw insult and that is your definition for cornered? Is there any logical argument that prove that I am wrong and you are right? Grow up and don't poison this thread with your pointless insults

    Omg, easy. This is embarrassing. You completely took it out of context. Its all good ok, its all good.


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  • sanju_dba
    07-24 11:15 AM
    The early the 485 filing , the early you are from your citizen ship date?

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  • Vsach
    03-16 09:58 AM
    Can we get rid of this "sick" person from the forum!!:rolleyes:

    I work for a REAL big company and have a REAL good job. Don't get worked up you might get a cardiac arrest. :)

    And, please, gimme a break. H1B = high skilled? ya right.............keep living in your dream world buddy.........good for you. Most H1Bs, according to PUBLISHED research, earn less than $50,000.

    Freaking diploma holders from India get an H1B think the monkeys who work for the outsourcing firms in India are "highly-skilled" ??

    Dude, IT and software are low skill jobs..........wake up and smell the coffee. Your saying "highly skilled" and holding up a placard won't change that reality. No one wants any more low skilled EB3 types in this country anymore. They are found dime a dozen.

    If your highness is so highly skilled, how come you are stuck in the EB3 queue and whine to get into EB2 ???

    Yes i AM got a problem with that?

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  • ramus
    07-02 08:20 PM
    Just 700 so far.. Don't seem like we will be even close to 5000 by 10...

    Members who contributed please ask others to contribute now..

    01-22 09:30 PM
    Thanks for reading a long vent. Trust me, what happened to me in 9 months could happen to people in matter of moments.

    So, I still consider myself lucky. Please pray for all those who arent lucky enough.


    your post details how life comes at you fast....
    listen man, it will all work out. Keep doing the good work.

    03-19 01:26 PM
    My understanding is that at the time of approval, priority date of the petition must be in accordance with current visa bulletin for visa number availability.

    In short, in my opinion..the answer is NO

    Wouldn't they atleast get pre-adjudicated if NOT approved??