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  • kutra
    03-06 10:06 AM
    btw you are paranoid can someone else do this for you ??
    >So long as singhsa3's not pledging that I and my wife will buy our house #2 and house #3 only because USCIS gives us green cards

    dude, i was being funny. which part of the smiley didn't you get?

    why are you so scared :-D ..what happens if media watches the poll and how is this dirty linen is a valid point ..and the main point is legal people have to wait for years and years to get the stupid card (and in the meanwhile keep on paying the lawyers fees) ..this is not dirty linen ...if you are not convinced then stay out of the way.
    really I dont see any other options after the letter campaign ...unless some one else has a better idea !!

    I have been resisting to get dragged into this, but I have to post! Not only are you incapable of understanding humor, but you are totally incompetent in understanding plain English.

    I never wrote dirty linen is "writing the fact that we have to wait for years and years" or "having the poll" either. singhsa3 is trying his best to make a case that all of us who are "waiting for years and years" have the potential to buy houses, and therefore give us GCs. Dirty linen is when people like me and Pegasus503 offer our contrasting views (and get red-dotted by immature posters who cannot have a civil debate) AND the media thinks these IV folks are not even in agreement on this subject. This to me would be detrimental to singhsa3's efforts and thus I wrote let's not bicker/argue/wash dirty linen about whether we agree with singhsa3's idea or not.

    As far as your advice "if you are not convinced then stay out of the way", take a cold shower, dude. I was the first to delete my post and asked others to do the same so this would benefit singhsa3's campaign. If your miniscule brain cannot fathom my posts, ignore them and help singhsa3 out instead. And yes, while you are growing up, do resist the urge to add those red-dots......that's not getting you your green card any faster.

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  • vegasbaby
    10-12 12:18 AM
    Wow. period.

    I had no idea the situation was this bad. We were on flippin Grey hound buses, from NY to Buffalo and then two immigration people board the bus and start talking to us.

    We were just four students doing our Master's going to Niagara and we had no clue that we needed a passports to travel there, But the thing that pissed me off the most was the attitude of one of the officers.

    Here's the actual conversation.

    Bus driver before we reach Syracuse: "Immigration officials come up to check documents 90% of the time".

    Us: "Dude, you should've told us this in New york city! Why are you telling us this now?"

    Officer1: "Sir, your documents"
    Me(extremely low tone, pretty scared): "Sorry officer, I didn't realize we needed a passport to travel to Niagara falls. We aren't going over to Canada..."

    Officer1 (Voice raising, everyone in the bus was looking at us by this point): "I hope you realize what you're saying. YOU ARE IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW. I have people from 40 countries in my station now and I can take you there RIGHT now."

    Me (still scared): "I'm sorry, I thought this was domestic travel, I didn't realize we needed a passport for this. I have my international driver's permit and my Student ID Card as identification"

    Officer1:(Passengers looking on, Officer 2 jumps in after this): "You realize you are in MY country? This is not a valid form of ID. Drivers license allows you to drive. This does not constitute a valid immigration document"

    (They talk)

    Officer 1: "Are these valid?"
    Me: "Yes"
    Officer 1: "Are you sure? Because I'm going to call up someone to check your immigration record. What Visa are you on?"
    Me: "F-1?"
    Officer 1: Name?
    Me: I tell him.

    He calls someone up, finds out, checks my status and returns my ID.

    And then Officer 2 goes on this really crappy speech which went like - "Now, I hope you realize that we at the United states have many welcome visitors from all over the world...Blah blah.. you just need to carry your Passport with you wherever you go".

    Not sure if this is the fabled "good-cop, bad-cop", but damn I was so pissed at the end of it all. I almost wanted to say I want a lawyer, but we were on a vacation, long weekend, didn't want to ruin everything :(

    Damn, I miss India now.

    I work at El centro, CA. Its right on the border with Mexico abt 30-40 miles I guess. Each time the immigration officer stops me w/o fail & checks for my papers. Law is I guess, if you are traveling from 40 miles of US border with Canada/Mexico, you need to carry immigration papers.

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  • new_horizon
    03-10 07:23 PM
    I'll be flying in to BWI on Sat 2nd night, and have booked a 2 bed hotel room for 3 nights. The hotel is close to the BWI and MARC/Amtrac station, with frequent trains to Union Station DC. If anyone would like to share the hotel room, pls send me a personal message. Thanks.

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  • yabadaba
    02-21 03:46 PM
    pitha...while i bear the frustration of the doors slamming on my face in october 2005 (eb2 was current prior to that) for the sheer fact that i had an incompetent attorney during the initial days when my LC process started.....i would not go far as saying that the porters have "cheated" the system.

    The law via Chintakuntla provided that a person with a bachelors degree and 5 years experience is equal to an advanced degree holder.

    All the porters are doing is following the law. Its frustrating to people like you and me, but its their right. If i was in their position and the law allowed me to take advantage of a provision of this nature, I would gladly take it.


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  • srinivasj
    03-11 11:11 PM
    now looks like dates would move only after july..

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  • saatiish
    07-13 10:40 AM
    Mar 1 2006 - Mar 7 2006 --> will be processed when cutoff date is Mar 08 2006.

    yikes !!! so looks like I have to wait then... anyways I was happy for a few moments till I saw this message :)


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  • yabadaba
    02-20 03:08 PM
    googler u r the new berkeleybee!!

    can u call him in a few weeks and ask him what was the number of eb2 india pre-dec 2003 that he got from uscis?

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  • gc_maine2
    09-01 08:39 AM
    I am also interested in online MBA, please share if you get any more information on Aspen.

    anyone who has done MBA from USD, please provide your inputs.


    I just found that Aspen University is offering online MBA at $3600 (end to end) + books.
    The univ is accredited by DTE but not sure about its market value.

    I am thinking about low cost MBA and the options (apart from newly discovered super low cost Aspen) are --
    University of South Dakota (USD) (18 K)
    University of Massachusetts (UMass) (30 K)

    Does any one know if USD has a decent market value ?


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  • abc
    12-13 03:36 PM
    I am planning to forget GC and move on with new company.

    For new company to file EB2 based on BS + 6 years experience. What kind of experience letter we will need from old company.

    AS you know desi companies dont give experience letters, how do people manage to show old experiences and file for EB2 in new company ?

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  • ak27
    02-20 09:32 AM
    I have written to my congressmen couple of times but I am yet to recieve any response. I will contact his office again this week..



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  • desi chala usa
    09-18 02:32 PM
    Reading the posts about the economy has just shown me how ignorant many of the IV members are.

    The economy is just going through it's ~10-year cycle. While it is a concern, it is NOT the end of the world. It just strenghtens USA's position in the world. Once again, it has proved that "if USA sneezes, the world catches the cold". The 10-years economic cycle follows a kind of Darwin's Law of the Fittest. The firms that are bubbled up get washed away, the economy cleans up and rebounds back. The 1990s saw it, the year ~2001 saw it with the burst and ~2009-2010 is seeing it with the mortgage burst.

    While it is each one's perogative as to what you want to invest into (good time to buy stocks, or buy gold), another thing to understand is FDIC does NOT insure just 100K per account in each bank. There are multiple ways to increase this insurance to over $2 million in the same bank by opening different type of accounts or having different beneficiaries. Consult your bank for details.

    No amount of govt. intervention can change the economy. It has it's own mind and will take it's own course.

    There is no need to panic, pack and run.

    Let the economy go through it's colon flush.

    Please do not forget during 2001 - 2002 how many H1b friends packed and run away......Please think in terms of H1b people.....245(i) is saving you only up to 180 days.....if the person is crossing 180 days means he is all set for next 10 years to come back to U.S.A.

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  • sanju_dba
    09-09 01:50 PM
    This is a big fantasy.

    EB3 is not going to get current in the next 4-5 years you said.

    Backlog posted by USCIS and DOS is a lot more than posted. Their data is not totally right.

    The only way EB3 India can be current if all Indians on H1B, EAD are deported by a law. Such law is likely in 4-5 years if outsourcing increase and anti-immigrants blame immigrants for their unemployment. Then EB3 I will get current. But there will be no EB3I to take advantage of it.

    I say we stop dreaming and do a rally in DC.

    I understand what you said, but just to consider the off numbers published by dos

    EB2 total pending 34325
    EB3 total pending 136325

    2010-2011 quota EB1+EB2 ( 85343 )
    less eb2 " " 34325
    " " 51018 trickeling down for EB3 Worldwide?
    2010-2011 quota EB3 ( 42671 )
    less eb3 - 136325
    42636 ( eb3 pending left over from above )
    2011-2012 quota eb1+eb2+eb3 128013

    So, with above math Eb2 will be current by next year, and eb3 will be by end of 2012?

    above math is based on
    inaccurate numbers given by DOS?
    assuming no new applicants applying.
    Hope I am correct! :)


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  • rk78
    06-11 05:23 PM
    sent e-mail to AZ senators

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  • StarSun
    02-02 08:28 AM
    Members who have pledged airline miles or stay in the registration form, please use this thread.


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  • chanduv23
    09-10 11:56 AM
    Are you guys in jail or something?

    Many are : they jailed themsleves inside their closets

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  • sroyc
    07-11 04:43 PM
    There is a lot of hurtburn among folks here abt a lot of things...Does that mean USCIS is going to cater to every case of heartburn. I dont think so.

    What else would explain EB2 China's PD going back to EB2 India's PD (April 2004) when visas from EB2-ROW were made available and then both PD's moving to June 2006 (which was EB2 China's PD before it became unavailable)?

    They could have set it to March 2005 and it would have been enough to exhaust the remaining EB2-ROW visas left considering the number of EB2 India applicants in the backlog. The fact is that there are not enough EB2 China applicants left in 2003/2004/2005. The only way they can get a fair share of the EB2-ROW spillover was if PD's for both EB2 India and China were moved to 2006.


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  • luvschocolates
    08-22 01:07 AM
    The majority of you people are cruel and harsh individuals, how dare you insult a man that is sick just because of his weight. The majority of you are also from middle eastern countries - not exactly buddies with the USA. Canadians didn't come here to blow up buildings, people from your part of the world did. Canadians were here to help, and were one of the first countries on the scene.
    Canadians are allies, not enemies. You folks need to be the ones to go back where you came from!

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  • potatoeater
    05-26 04:36 PM
    I-94 is a complete proof of your immigration status in the US.

    carrying your gc is understandable, its just a card like your license.

    But expecting folks to carry their immigration papers all the time, even when they haven't travelled abroad is a bit too much. As long as i have my license or state id with me, it should suffice.

    This is just a classic case of harassing immigrants.

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  • NKR
    09-18 09:49 AM
    It is not end of the world. But end of the economy as we know it. People smarter than me and you have said this is turning into an armageddon.

    Economy is falling, people are losing jobs, fuel prices are rising, depressing is coming, housing market is going down. Look at the brighter side, if you invest in constructing industry building apartments you can make money now.

    Jokes apart, what were the people smarter than me and you doing to prevent all this from happening?. Weren;t they smart enough then?.

    12-13 01:18 PM
    I am sure this topic will come up again and again when new members join. We recently had quite a few (over a thousand) new members join IV and as the word gets around, there will be even more interest in IV and new members/non-members will visit the site and ask questions. I don't think we should expect everyone (new or old members) to know everything that was discussed in this forum from day one. That's not practical.

    Every few days I see a new thread that is asking for information on how to change from EB3 to EB2. There are literally hundred or so threads that talks about this issue yet still new threads pop up regularly asking the same info. This is bound to happen and can't be stopped.

    If you know that a topic has been covered somewhere, making a link available would be very helpful. If you think that a certain topic is brought up on a regular basis, may be we should make that thread sticky or have that information on homepage or somewhere where it's easily accessible.

    We can always argue that members can do their own search on the forum. While that's true, if we know the answer and can quickly make that available to members, I think we'll be doing a service to our members. Just a thought.

    All , this subject has been raised very often and every time new members join in they start a thread and start questioning it.

    - IV has indepth explored and studied this option and have found that this change is not possible administratively.
    - we have not just met a lawyer. we have met few lawyers. we also have communicated with USCIS in the past.
    - In the past some administrative changes have been done by USCIS, but this change cannot be done by them. All, we already had this idea long long ago and we also thought that why dont we do it if it so simple and then we dont have to go through all the legislative hurdles. But NO it cannot be done by USCIS.
    - Faxing USCIS will not work. USCIS does not take policy decisions. We need to approach policy makers to get it done and that is what we are doing. By coming up with ideas, endlessly discussing despite explaination by IV and not working with IV action items we will all go in divergent directions and lose focus on the main action items we want each every member should focus. If you really feel for some idea and want to help, instead of asking IV to give explanation to every question on the forum, contact any of the active IV core members on the forum and bounce ideas. We need people with ideas and also same people willing to work on them too.
    - If it was possible to get it done administratively, then in the current Skil bill push we would have/ and lawmakers would also have just asked USCIS to implement it.

    Hope this explains this topic. Thanks

    08-15 04:26 PM
    What do EB cutoff dates in Sept VB mean? All eligible for filing AOS did in July/Aug. Does it mean that USCIS will be giving visa (approving GC) to those within the new cutoff dates?